Egochain CLI

Egochain CLI

egochain CLI is the all-in-one command-line interface (CLI). It allows you to run an Egochain node, manage wallets and interact with the Egochain network through queries and transactions. This introduction will explain how to install the Egochain binary onto your system and guide you through some simple examples how to use Egochain .



Egaxd is built using the Go version 1.20+. Check your version with:

go version

Once you have installed the right version, confirm that your GOPATH is correctly configured by running the following command and adding it to your shell startup script:

export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin


Egaxd scripts are using jq version 1.6+. Check your version with:

jq --version


You can download the latest binaries from the repo and install them, or you can build and install the egaxd binaries from source or using Docker.

Download the binaries

  • Go to the releases section of the repository

  • Choose the desired release or pre-release you want to install on your machine

  • Select and download from the Assets dropdown the corresponding tar or zip file for your OS

  • Extract the files. The egaxd binaries is located in the bin directory of the extrated files

  • Add the egaxd binaries to your path, e.g. you can move it to $(go env GOPATH)/bin

After installation is done, check that the egaxd binaries have been successfully installed:

Egaxd version

Build From Source

Clone and build the Egaxd from source using git. The <tag> refers to a release tag on Github. Check the latest Evmos version on the releases section of the repository:

cd Egaxd
git fetch
git checkout <tag>
make install

After installation is done, check that the Egaxd binaries have been successfully installed:

Egaxd version


If the egaxd: command not found error message is returned, confirm that you have configured Go correctly.


When it comes to using Docker with Egaxd, there are two options available: Build a binary of the Egaxds daemon inside a dockerized build environment or build a Docker image, that can be used to spin up individual containers running the Egaxd binary. For information on how to achieve this, proceed to the dedicated page on working with Docker.

Run an Egaxd node

To become familiar with Egaxd, you can run a local blockchain node that produces blocks and exposes EVM and Cosmos endpoints. This allows you to deploy and interact with smart contracts locally or test core protocol functionality.

Run the local node by executing the script in the base directory of the repository:


The script stores the node configuration including the local default endpoints under ~/.tmp-egaxd/config/config.toml. If you have previously run the script, the script allows you to overwrite the existing configuration and start a new local node.

Once your node is running you will see it validating and producing blocks in your local Egaxd blockchain:

12:59PM INF executed block height=1 module=state num_invalid_txs=0 num_valid_txs=0 server=node
# ...
1:00PM INF indexed block exents height=7 module=txindex server=node

For more information on how to customize a local node, head over to the Single Node page.

Using egaxd

After installing the egaxd binary, you can run commands using:

egaxd [command]

There is also a -h, --help command available

egaxd -h

It is possible to maintain multiple node configurations at the same time. To specify a configuration use the --home flag. In the following examples we will be using the default config for a local node, located at ~/.tmp-egaxd.

Manage wallets

You can manage your wallets using the egaxd binary to store private keys and sign transactions over CLI. To view all keys use:

egaxd keys list \
--home ~/.tmp-evmosd \
--keyring-backend test

# Example Output:
# - address: evmos19xnmslvl0pcmydu4m52h2gf0std5ee5pfgpyuf
#   name: dev0
#   pubkey: '{"@type":"/ethermint.crypto.v1.ethsecp256k1.PubKey","key":"AzKouyoUL0UUS1qRUZdqyVsTPkCAFWwxx3+BTOw36nKp"}'
#   type: local

You can generate a new key/mnemonic with a $NAME with:

egaxd keys add [name] \
--home ~/.tmp-evmosd \
--keyring-backend test

To export your egaxd key as an Ethereum private key (for use with Metamask for example):

egaxd keys unsafe-export-eth-key [name] \
--home ~/.tmp-evmosd \
--keyring-backend test

For more about the available key commands, use the --help flag

egaxd keys -h

Last updated